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"Empty Nest"

"Empty Nest" (1988) 6.7

1988-10-08(美国)| 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:1988-10-08(美国) 类型: 喜剧
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(1991年) 获奖:2  提名:5
评分: 力荐


advertisement Dr. Harry Weston: When you name your daughter Rita, you should probably expect a slut. Carol Weston: My biggest fear is that there is no such thing as PMS and that this is who I really am. Dorothy Zbornak: How do you do. I'm Dorothy Zbornak. Laverne Higby Todd Kane: Geriatrics is two doors down on the left. Officer Barbara Weston: [cooking] Charley, don't you want to stay for dinner? Charley Dietz: I don't know, Barbara. It smells real bad. Charley Dietz: I don't wanna change my image at all. I'm happy with who I am. Carol Weston: Mistake. Dr. Harry Weston: Laverne, I've just told a ten-year-old boy that he's become a woman! Laverne Higby Todd Kane: Then he'll probably be wanting a second opinion [repeated line] Carol Weston: I am sick! Officer Barbara Weston: Charley, why do you have beef jerky in your pocket? Charley Dietz: Maybe I'm just pleased to see you. Charley Dietz: Hi all. Feed me. Carol Weston: To what?

"Empty Nest"

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