"One Day at a Time" (1975)

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  • advertisement [Urging Barbara not to lose her virginity] Duane Schneider: Always remember, and please never forget: A man is like a bow-and-arrow, and a woman is like a target. Bow-and-arrow needs practice. Target doesn't. Duane Schneider: [after hearing Ms. Romano had a heart attack] Women don't get heart attacks. They give 'em. Barbara Cooper Royer: I'm the only girl who has to go to Confession and make up sins. Duane Schneider: [pretending to pick each other up] Do you wanna go to your place or mine? Ann Romano Royer: Both. Julie Cooper Horvath: She's one of the most independent women I've ever met. Ann Romano Royer: She's not independent, she one of the most dependent women I've ever seen. Julie Cooper Horvath: I feel like a woman, I've never felt more like a woman. David Kane: [uncomfortable] I'm gonna go home now. Ann Romano Royer: That Was BVD. Ed Cooper, Julie's and Barbara's Father: BVD? Ann Romano Royer: Before Vicky, Darling. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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