The Gilded Lily (1935)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  爱情
  • 片       名The Gilded Lily
  • 上映时间1935年01月25日(美国)
  • 导       演 卫斯理·拉格斯


  • advertisement Peter Dawes: But popcorn - ah, popcorn was made for watching the world go by. Look. I stick my hand in the bag without taking my eyes off the street. I throw some popcorn in my craw. I chew... and I'm still looking. That's what I call class. Marilyn David: Sure. Peanut eaters don't know how to live. Marilyn David: Pete, you're a smart fellow. What do poor little working girls usually do next? Peter Dawes: Well, they usually drown themselves, one way or the other. Marilyn David: I'll take the other. Marilyn David: I'm just a freak! Marilyn David: I want a glass. About this big. Mmm, no, maybe about THIS big. And I don't care what you put in it - whiskey, hair tonic, rat poison - but whatever it is, when I finish drinking it, I want to be curled up in a little heap, right HERE. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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