Blind Date (1934)

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  • 喜剧  爱情


  • advertisement Hartwell, Sr.: [grumpily] Take a letter to Mrs. Hartwell. 'Madam: Your son is heading for another jam with one of my models. Suggest getting the baboon to Newport, if your bridge and golf can spare you. I can't manage a business and play wet-nurse to an idiot.' That's all. [thinking] Hartwell, Sr.: Add a postscript. 'I will not send a check to your empty-headed daughter.' Read that back. Private secretary: [reading from pad] 'Dear wife: I fear Bob is getting involved with a pretty girl at the store. Knowing your tact and diplomacy, I suggest you invent some excuse that will take him to Newport with you. Lovingly, John. Postscript: Enclosed, find check for Barbara.' Is that all? Hartwell, Sr.: That's all! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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