
Grayson (2004) 5.1

2004-07-20(美国)| 科幻 短片 动作| 美国
上映时间:2004-07-20(美国) 类型: 科幻 短片 动作 奇幻
评分: 力荐

Batman has been murdered and the only man who can uncover the mystery behind his murder is his former partner, Dick Grayson aka Robin! Grays...更多>


Commissioner Gordon: Careful. Old heroes bring about old villains. [first lines] Commissioner Gordon: It's hard to believe he's gone. For all his triumphs, I fear that even in death he will find no peace, nor will those who fought beside him. Still, we must move forward, and while others will come to accept that his crusade has come to an end, for Dick Grayson, it begins again. Barbara Grayson: [to Dick, who is pouring a glass of Orange Juice] What's gotten into you? It's like you're preparing for a war or something. Superman: [stopping Robin from beating up Penguin] Easy, boy. Robin: [getting in Superman's face] [very serious] Robin: Stay out of this, Clark!


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