超世纪战警 (2004)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  动画  科幻
  • 片       名超世纪战警
  • 上映时间2004年06月15日
  • 导       演 Peter Chun...
  • 剧       情


  • Richard B. Riddick: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • First you're a boy. Then you're a girl. And now you're a psychic. Careful what you wish for, Jack. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Junner: There is a man inside this vessel, who is something far worse... than anyone here has ever encountered. Should you survive this day, it is one you will remember for the rest of your lives. Junner: You certainly know how to make an entrance. Richard B. Riddick: Call off your lap dog. Richard B. Riddick: Careful, you may find what you're digging for. Richard B. Riddick: The girl is nothing to me. Chillingsworth: Maybe I know more about you than you do yourself. Chillingsworth: People die in this line of work, Junner. A handful of men? A small price to pay. Chillingsworth: You underestimate their value, Riddick. They are priceless. Each, at one time the most wanted man or woman in the known universe. The number of lives ended at the hands of those living and breathing in this room is incalculable. Chillingsworth: Here. they are appreciated for what they truly are. Chillingsworth: You see, Riddick, there is fundamental difference between you and I. Richard B. Riddick: Yeah. You're a psychopath. Chillingsworth: You don't appreciate art. But I believe the reason for this is something very different than you or anyone else might think. You're an artist. Richard B. Riddick: I've been called a lot of things in my day. That ain't one of 'em. Richard B. Riddick: Get her on her feet. Abu 'Imam' al-Walid: I cannot see! Richard B. Riddick: You don't want to. Jack: I can keep up! Richard B. Riddick: Maybe someday. Richard B. Riddick: [after she kills Chillingsworth] Awfully uncivilized thing you just did there, Jack. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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