Gunsmith Cats (1995)

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  • [Minnie May is talking in her sleep] 'Minnie' May Hopkins: Oh, Kenny... Yes, again. < 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • hr width="30%"> 'Minnie' May Hopkins: [after Rally stands up in her undershorts by mistake] Oh well, at least you're wearing a clean pair! Rally Vincent: [scowls] Will you shut up? George Black: [after a witness is killed, Black shows Bill a print out of who had access to his safe house] You wanna tell me what this means, Bill? Well? Tell me the truth. Bill Collins: [puzzled] But can't think that I...those guys were my friends! George Black: I want you off this case, now. Bill Collins: You can't! You don't really think I'm guilty do you? George Black: I'm finding it hard to deny that there's a major leak in your investigation. Bill Collins: Then let me handle it! George Black: [angrily] Bill, this isn't a field of honor, it's a war! Do you want to win medals or battles?! Do you understand?! Bill Collins: [glumly] Yes, sir. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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