You're as unbelievable as ever, Isamu.
How's that?
As foolish and reckless as you've ever been.
Ahh, no one can be SMART and reckless.
Col. Millard Johnson:
You can't carry challenge and recklessness within in the same pocket. Do you know who said that, Lieutenant?
Isamu Alva Dyson:
Hmmm... no, sir.
Col. Millard Johnson:
I did. That's the lesson I learned.
Isamu Alva Dyson:
Col. Millard Johnson:
Do you know what else you're carrying in your pocket, Isamu Dyson?
Isamu Alva Dyson:
Uh, no... sir.
Col. Millard Johnson:
Isamu Alva Dyson:
Ever since we were kids, you were tagging along behind me like some lonesome pet. Why don't you go chasing some woman's ass for once, huh?
Guld Goa bowman:
Isamu Alva Dyson:
Oh, as if you don't remember! That chicken race we had on New Year's Day. Even after I won, you cried foul on me!
Guld Goa bowman:
You were the first one to hit the ground. Or are you trying to rewrite history now? Just how bad is your memory, you slacker?
Isamu Alva Dyson:
And you know what you never returned? That Guns Live CDV that I loaned to you that one time, you thief!
Guld Goa bowman:
That's because you disappeared! And those were the best seven years I had!
Isamu Alva Dyson:
And what about the two times I bought you lunch back at high school?
Guld Goa bowman:
I bought you lunch 13 times!
Isamu Alva Dyson:
Don't hit me with numbers!
Isamu Alva Dyson:
Hey, we're expected.
Yang Neuman:
Well, since no trick I know is gonna work now, I guess we'll just have to bust our way in. We'll blow some of the unmanned sats in orbit and use the fragments as cover when they burn up on re-entry. If we create enough targets, the defense systems don't know what to aim for. Of course, to keep them from spotting the plane while we're going in, we'll have to keep the flight systems turned off. My simulation estimates it should give us our best opportunity. At least I think so.
Isamu Alva Dyson:
What do you mean? I'm counting on your calculations.
Yang Neuman:
Well, of course, I'd expect that you would, but you see...
Isamu Alva Dyson:
Never mind. Just trust my skill.
Yang Neuman:
Skill has nothing to do with this. It's gonna take pure luck this time.
Isamu Alva Dyson:
Luck is one of my skills.
Yang Neuman:
Yeah, I know that. That's what's got me so worried.复制复制成功复制失败,请手动复制