Doctor Who: Dimensions in Time (1993)

  • 英国
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  • 科幻  短片
  • 片       名Doctor Who: Dim...
  • 上映时间1993年11月26日(英国)
  • 导       演 Stuart McD...


  • The Doctor: Mayday, mayday. This is an urgent message for all the Doctors. It's vitally important that you listen to me for once. Our whole existence is being threatened by a renegade Time Lord known only as the Rani. She hates me. She even hates children. Two of my earlier selves have already been snared in her vicious trap. The grumpy one and the flautist too. She wants to put us out of action. Lock us away in a dreary backwater of London' East End. Trapped in a time-loop in perpetuity and her evil is all around us. I can hear the heart beat of a killer. She's out there somewhere. We must be on our guard and we must stop her before she destroys all of our other selves. Oh... [in pain] The Doctor: Good luck, my dears. Ace: When was the last time you had that junk heap in for an MOT, professor? The Doctor: Don't be cynical, Ace. The instruments are just a little erratic, that's all. Ace: Great Wall of China? Looks more like the Cutty Sark to me. Mel: What's happening? The Doctor: Change. You, me, everything. It's as though someone is rooting through my personal time stream. Mel: But what on Earth for? The Doctor: Earth, yes. The Doctor: When I say 'run', 'run'. RUN! Nyssa: Feeding time at the zoo? The Doctor: And the companions went in two by two. Peri: This isn't Noah's ark doctor. The Doctor: Maybe it is! When I say 'run', 'run'. RUN! Susan Foreman: Who are you? The Doctor: Precisely, I am The Doctor. The Doctor: The Rani. I take back what I said about an ingenious operator being behind these time jumps. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart: I'm finding it difficult to keep up with all of you these days, Doctor. The Doctor: Some other time eh, Brigadier? Alas there's no time for pleasantries. I must find my young friend. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart: We'll speak soon, old chap. To all of you, I hope. Romana: Have you seen the Doctor? Phil Mitchell: Yeah, Doctor Legg is the only doctor around here love. Romana: Doctor who? The Doctor: I should be taking it easy, not bounding around like some megaluthian slime skimmer. The Doctor: I'm trying to overload the Rani's computer, enhance the power of the time tunnel to pull her TARDIS in and not me. Ace: I assume it's not as easy as it sounds? The Doctor: Of course not. The Doctor: [final line] I, I mean we, are difficult to get rid of. Frank: [after seeing Romana getting dragged into the pub by the rani] Well I've seen them thrown out of the Vic but, er, never dragged in. The Rani: You can't escape, Doctor. Say "goodbye", Doctors. You're all going on a long journey. A very long journey. The Rani: Fated to wander a dismal corner of the universe for twenty years; helpless, paralysed. It'll drive them insane. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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