Adventures in Odyssey: A Fine Feathered (1992)

  • 美国
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  • 动画  短片
  • 片       名Adventures in O...
  • 导       演 Ken C. Joh...
  • 又       名Adventures in Odyssey: A Fine Feathered Frenzy
  • 编       剧 Ken C. Joh...




  • Evelynn Heartbreak: I never thought the day would come when I'd be grateful for that strat-a-loun... er, flyer of yours, but I'm not too old to learn. Well done. John Avery Whittaker: Why... thank you, Evelynn. Evelynn Heartbreak: Very well! No need to make a scene... Dylan Taylor: It's over, Mr. Whitaker. My life is kaput. I might as well join the foreign legion - except after they hear about this! They'll say, "Hey, no way kid! You can't be trusted to water the camels!" 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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