美伊战争-控制室 (2004)

  • 美国
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  • 片       名美伊战争-控制室
  • 上映时间2004年05月02日
  • 导       演 Jehane Nou...
  • 剧       情
    柏林电影节历来十分强调政治性。今年入选的《控制室》(Control Room)是一部由美国和埃及合拍的纪录片,真实道出了电视制片人沙姆-海达在美国对伊战争期间的所见所闻,尤其强调媒体大战,他说:“在伊拉克,我们进行着美国政府所希望的报道,我们的频道不过有张阿拉伯的脸,至...
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  • Hassan Ibrahim: These insensitive Americans roll over everyone to get their way, and what happens to soft-spoken people like me? We get pushed aside. Samir Khader: Between us, if I'm offered a job at Fox News, I'll take it. Instantly. I will send my children to go to America after highschool, I will pay for them to go, to exchange the Arab nightmare for the American dream. Joshua Rushing: The night they showed the POWs and dead soldiers... it was powerful, because Americans won't show those kinds of images. It made me sick to my stomach. [the previous night Al Jazeera had shown the same images, "equally if not more horrifying", but they hadn't affecting Rushing as much. Now he compares his reaction to the two... ] Joshua Rushing: I just saw people on the other side, and those people in the Al Jazeera offices must have felt the way I was feeling that night, and it upset me on a profound level that I wasn't bothered as much the night before. It makes me hate war. Lt. Josh Rushing: It makes me hate war, but it doesn't make me believe that we're in a world that can live without war yet. Journalist: Who can defeat the Americans? They are so strong. Hassan Ibrahim: The Americans will defeat the Americans. I have ultimate faith in the American Constitution. Rumsfeld: Truth ultimately finds its way to people's eyes and ears and hearts. Samir Khader: That wasn't analysis. That was hallucination. Lt. Josh Rushing: hen I watch Al Jazeera, I can tell what they're showing and what they're not showing by choice. It's the same thing when I watch Fox on the other end of the spectrum. Hassan Ibrahim: Yankee Doodle went to town, riding on a Sunday. Found some people living there and killed them all by Monday. George W. Bush: I was told early this morning that, perhaps, our troops were captured, and, if there is somebody captured, I expect those people to be treated humanely. Bill and then Mike. Journalist: Iraqi TV has shown what appear to be American POWs and also what appear to be American dead. George W. Bush: I expect them to be treated... The POWS I expect to be treated humanely and um uh just like we're treating the prisoners that we have captured humanely. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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