End of the Century (2003)

  • 美国
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  • 纪录  传记  音乐
End of the Century
  • 片       名End of the Cent...
  • 上映时间2003年09月10日(加拿大)
  • 导       演 Jim FieldsMichael Gr...
  • 又       名End of the Century


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  • Joey Ramone: Well, Dee Dee was using the surname Dee Dee Ramone. Ramone was, the way we were gonna be using it, was to create a sense of unity, y'know. A bond of sorts. Johnny Ramone: If I'm running things like a sergeant in the army or something like that, maybe not everyone can handle that. But you need someone to make the decisions. Someone's gotta do something, otherwise you just flounder around, you know. Dee Dee Ramone: Like maybe three people liked the Stooges in the whole area, and everybody else was like violently against them. So if you liked the Stooges you had to be friends with each other. Tommy Ramone: Dee Dee and Joey were running down "Judy is a Punk." I had never heard anything like this. This was something that was futuristic. Joe Strummer: That's one thing I learned from the Ramones: "Slam! There's that number... where's the next one?" Because people are watching, people have got things to do! It's a busy world out there. Give it to them! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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