Timothy Leary's Dead (1996)

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Timothy Leary's Dead
  • 片       名Timothy Leary's...
  • 上映时间1996年09月09日(加拿大)
  • 导       演 Paul David...
  • 又       名Timothy Leary's Dead
  • 编       剧 Paul David...




  • Timothy Leary: It is my ambition to really liberate the world. Why not? Why settle for anything less? And I have a sense of humor about it. I know the odds are against me. But we only have a few years here. Let's try to leave this, uh, spaceship a better place. Timothy Leary: LSD is an extremely powerful, mind opening agent. We are now in the psycho, chemical age. In the future it's not going to be what book you read, but what chemical do you use to open your mind to accelerate learning. Robert Prehoda: The drug revolution in America was a disaster, and, to the extent that Timothy Leary promoted that, he was the high priest of the drug revolution. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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