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Hollywood Dinosaurs

Hollywood Dinosaurs (1991)

类型: 纪录
评分: 力荐


Narrator: [talking about "Valley of Gwangi"] Warner Brothers released the film in 1968 - a year in which many other movies featured nudity and sex. "Gwangi" did not do well, financially. Harryhausen said later, "I guess a naked dinosaur just wasn"t enough." Narrator: [speaking about Raymond Burr] He later reprised his role in "Godzilla 1985", again playing reporter Steve Martin. Or maybe it was Steve Martin, playing reporter Raymond Burr. Narrator: [speaking about "Godzilla vs The Thing"] This film also included such fairytale elements as twin fairies who sing love songs to the monster, and flashy ray guns - which prove useless against the monster. Naturally. Narrator: Even wackier were films like "Godzilla vs Megalon". Megalon was a gigantic, prehistoric flying cockroach that destroyed the scenery using napalm spitballs. Narrator: Though American International Pictures would release almost ANYTHING, even they knew that "Reptilicus" was awful. They refused to distribute the film until the producers cut some of the goofier scenes, like Reptilicus flying around on bat wings.

Hollywood Dinosaurs

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