
  《陆上行舟》根据真实事件改编,爱尔兰人Fitzcarraldo酷爱歌剧,他想在热带雨林之中建造一个歌剧院然后请意大利男高音卡鲁索(Caruso)来演唱,为了凑到足够的金钱他买下来一块橡胶田做起橡胶生意,为了往来运输他必须弄一条船到雨林之中,在当地印第安土著帮忙之下,他终于把船从一条运河跨山而过运到了另一条河上。就在他兴奋无比之时,却不知土著有自己的打算,他们把船抛弃在河流之中让他顺流而下以献给河神,Fitzcarraldo的梦想最终破灭。他请了一个三流歌剧团来雨林表演以此完事。Fitzcarraldo的梦想没有实现赫尔措格却被之打动,他认为这种坚持梦想的行为本事就是伟大的成功,将之搬上屏幕成了赫尔佐格的梦想,却不知这是一个折磨了他五年带给他痛苦与快乐的梦想。   在赫尔佐格的坚持下,影片在秘鲁内陆的雨林实地拍摄,拍摄之初便卷入了当地土著部落的权利之争,而在丛林中还有军营、石油公司各种势力,拍摄所需物资全部空运至搭建的营地。影片缓慢的拍摄。五周后,就在影片完成40%的时候,影片主演Jason Robards因病退出剧组,饰演Fitzcarraldo伙伴Wilbur的滚石乐队(Rolling Stone)主唱Mick Jagger则投身新专辑发行和巡演。影片陷入遥遥无期的停机状态。   半年之后,赫尔佐格找来Klaus Kinski饰演Fitzcarraldo,摄制组再次进入雨林。影片拍摄过程中最大的矛盾出现了。在现实中,Fitzcarraldo将船拆散运过山坡后在另一头进行组装。赫尔措格却执意要将比现实中大得多船整个越过山坡,他认为这能将电影的主题形像化,给人视觉冲击。剧组请来的巴西工程师设计了一套复杂的装置供印第安临时演员们进行搬运,但即使是工程师也不相信这个装置可以搬运那个大家伙。赫尔措格已经听不进任何劝阻,执意实景拍摄。工程师因此退出摄制组留下“只有30%成功机会,如果失败还会有人会死”的话。赫尔措格最终失败,30吨的船只移动了半米左右就退回了远处。此时另一艘用于拍摄的船则搁浅在浅滩之上,影片再次停机。   赫尔佐格面对采访的摄影机开始抱怨诅咒这片雨林,又掩饰不了对这原始之地的爱以及对自己梦想的执着。又过了几个月,影片中最重要的“陆上行舟”镜头终于拍摄成功,影片顺利完成。此片为赫尔佐格赢得了1982年戛纳最佳导演奖,成为他最重要的作品之一。   本片导演Les Blank对这片丛林充满崇敬之情,对其原始状态的消失而悲哀,片中的影像常常游离于摄制组之外,丛林中的蚂蚁、橡胶树、土著制作独特食物的过程、有着可口可乐标志的茅草屋、土著身上的米老鼠T恤、部落之间的争端、双凤求凰的争吵莫不忠实纪录下来。使本片具有独特的纪念价值,片中一句“专家计算,这些土著部落在2008年的时候都消失殆尽。”在当时看来还有遥远的26年,可现在再看,也只有短短的三年时间了。时间让纪录的影像残酷无比。   赫尔佐格在影片中说:“在别人看来我是在做白日梦,但是我一定要做到它,我不想做一个没有梦想的人,这样的生命没有意义。”他用自己的经历和自己的电影告诉人们,拥有梦想的人无论成功与否,都拥有骄傲而又伟大的灵魂。梦想会有负累,因为负累我们才去梦想。


  • Werner Herzog: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Without dreams we would be cows in a field, and I don't want to live like that. I live my life or I end my life with this project. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Werner Herzog: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [On the jungle] Kinski always says it's full of erotic elements. I don't see it so much erotic. I see it more full of obscenity. It's just - Nature here is vile and base. I wouldn't see anything erotical here. I would see fornication and asphyxiation and choking and fighting for survival and... growing and... just rotting away. Of course, there's a lot of misery. But it is the same misery that is all around us. The trees here are in misery, and the birds are in misery. I don't think they - they sing. They just screech in pain. It's an unfinished country. It's still prehistorical. The only thing that is lacking is - is the dinosaurs here. It's like a curse weighing on an entire landscape. And whoever... goes too deep into this has his share of this curse. So we are cursed with what we are doing here. It's a land that God, if he exists has - has created in anger. It's the only land where - where creation is unfinished yet. Taking a close look at - at what's around us there - there is some sort of a harmony. It is the harmony of... overwhelming and collective murder. And we in comparison to the articulate vileness and baseness and obscenity of all this jungle - Uh, we in comparison to that enormous articulation - we only sound and look like badly pronounced and half-finished sentences out of a stupid suburban... novel... a cheap novel. We have to become humble in front of this overwhelming misery and overwhelming fornication... overwhelming growth and overwhelming lack of order. Even the - the stars up here in the - in the sky look like a mess. There is no harmony in the universe. We have to get acquainted to this idea that there is no real harmony as we have conceived it. But when I say this, I say this all full of admiration for the jungle. It is not that I hate it, I love it. I love it very much. But I love it against my better judgment. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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