
  • [from trailer] Duncan MacLeod: What do you want from me? Anna: The impossible. The Guardian: Helllooo... Macleod... How does it feel to be mortal? Duncan MacLeod: Could be worse. I could be you. The Guardian: There can be only one. Joe Dawson: Maybe, but they sure weren't talking about you. Methos: You trust me? Duncan MacLeod: You'll do. Methos: Why're you upset, MacLeod? Because Joe's dead, or because the great Higlander couldn't save him? Methos: Rome was a long time ago, my friend. Cardinal Giovanni: Not for me it wasn't. Methos: Leave him. Duncan MacLeod: I can't. Anna: How old are you? Reggie Weller: I'll be 314 3 weeks from next Tuesday, I'm only a wee lad compared to Giovanni and Methos. Cardinal Giovanni: Why didn't he take his head? Methos: WHY didn't he know he was here? Duncan MacLeod: You're an asshole. Methos: I never said I was deep. Cardinal Giovanni: I thought God wouldn't let this happen to a true Christian. Methos: You know, Giovanni, I saw Christ teach, I saw Christ heal, you, you self centered son of a bitch, are NO Christian! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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