"Shaman King" (2004)

  • 日本
  • |
  • 动画  动作  奇幻
"Shaman King"
  • 片       名"Shaman Kin...
  • 上映时间2004年04月03日(美国)
  • 导       演 水岛精二


  • Haro Haro, Faust VIII: I'm Faust VIII, your opponent. Please be gentle. Haro Haro, Faust VIII: You've got guts, Morty, that's for sure. Now let's see what kind of heart you have! Haro Haro, Faust VIII: It's okay. There's no pain. [something snaps inside Morty] Haro Haro, Faust VIII: Oops! [grins maniacally at Yoh] Haro Haro, Faust VIII: I'm sorry. Haro Haro, Faust VIII: How rude! You knocked his block off, and you didn't even have the courtesy to yell 'Heads up'! Haro Haro, Faust VIII: And now it's time for formal introductions. Eliza, my darling, meet Yoh Asakura. Yoh Asakura, meet your doom! [opening narration of the first episode, as a horn blows into the distance] Morty: That was the sound of the last train back to my house. And once again, I missed it. Our English class always gets out late on Tuesdays, so I have to walk home. But that's OK, because I like English. And the walk home's not so bad. Usually. Len Tao: Your friend thinks he can win the prize crown, but he has no hope whatsoever. He is a mere shadow of a true shaman and he will be the first in a long line to perish in my hands. Morty: [thinking] Step awaaaay from the psycho... [Yoh is unconscious in the hospital after his first fight with Len Tao] Amidamaru: I will stay by your side, my friend. Know that I am here, and that I am sorry. I am sorry that... I failed you. After waiting 600 years I made a beginner's mistake. I underestimated my enemy. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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