"Power Rangers Ninja Storm" (2003)

  • 美国 新西兰
  • |
  • 动作  冒险  犯罪
"Power Rangers Ninja Storm"
  • 片       名"Power Rang...
  • 上映时间2003年02月15日(美国)
  • 导       演 Wayne RoseCharlie Ha...


  • Tori: There's something wrong. This actually looks edible. Blake: I got you a little something. Tori: That's so sweet! My very own... socket wrench set? Kapri: [to Zurgane] You know for someone who doesn't have a mouth, you sure do talk a lot. Hunter: Finally a little something from the has-beens. Blake: Let's turn them into never-weres. [the Rangers Have Just Recieved Their Morphers] Shane: So, what exactly does this thing do? Tori: Where's the switch? Dustin: Does it have any games or what? Tori: No. It doesn't have games. [Begin Arguing] Cam: [sarcastically] Ladies and Gentlemen, the defenders of the galaxy. [Cam brings out Yellow Tsunami Cycle for Dustin] Dustin: Anything I should know? Cam: Yeah, just make sure... [Dustin is already gone] Cam: Why bother? Lothor: I don't care much for schedules. You see, I'm a results oriented evil genius. [Tori has brought an injured Blake to Ninja Ops] Cam: Dad's going to flip when he finds out you brought him here. Tori: Well, then... maybe he shouldn't find out? Cam: [sighs] The morphers are on a console inside. Go get them, I'll stay here. Tori: Thanks, Cam. [kisses Cam's cheek before leaving] Cam: Men as a species are doomed. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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