蝎子王 (2002)

  • 美国 德国
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  • 动作  冒险  奇幻
  • 片       名蝎子王
  • 上映时间2002年05月07日
  • 导       演 查克·拉塞尔
  • 剧       情


  • [after rescuing Jesup from certain death] Mathayus: You're lucky we have the same mother. Arpid: Let me tell you, after a long day of looting and pillaging, there is no greater city than Gomorrah... except maybe Sodom. Jesup: Live free. Mathayus: Die well. Mathayus: Live free. Balthazar: Rule well. Arpid: Where are we going? Mathayus: The Valley of the Dead. Arpid: No one goes through the Valley of the Dead. That's why they call it the Valley of the Dead. [the Scorpion King & the sorceress ride away on the camel] Arpid: Wait for me please! [Memnon's Guards can be heard heading towards Mathayus and his young guide] Mathayus: Get ready! I'll kill half, you kill half! Urchin: [the boy stares at him quizically] Mathayus: All right. I'll kill them all! Urchin: [Tugs on Mathayus' arm] Why don't we go around and not kill any? [Mathayus revives an unconscious Arpid] Arpid: What happened? Mathayus: You got us in! I knew you could do it. A jug of your finest wine for my road-weary friend here. Arpid: Wait a minute... the last thing that, that I remember was this huge Akkadian fist coming straight into my... The Sorceress: Rivers of blood will never bring peace. Memnon: But they will bring obedience. That is enough for now. [about the catapult in his laboratory] Philos: It was meant to be a quick means of transportation, but there was a little problem with the landings. Balthazar: Watch yourself Akkadian Mathayus: No need for concern, Miss. Balthazar: Ohh he's gonna pay for that. < 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • hr width="30%"> [Mathayus, Arpid, and the Sorceress have stopped at a pond] The Sorceress: Do you think it's safe to drink? [Arpid jumps into the pond] Mathayus: Not anymore. [Mathayus enters a room where Philos is working] Philos: Good lord. Are you going to kill me? Mathayus: Maybe later. Philos: Like ALL of my inventions, Memnon will try to use it for war. Mathayus: Where is Memnon? Philos: Ay, you mean to kill him, do you? Mathayus: [raises his sword to Philos' throat] Yes. Balthazar: Who dies first? The Sorceress: If you face Memnon, you'll die! That is your destiny. Mathayus: I make my own destiny. [they kiss] Queen Isis: You're judgement is clouded! Balthazar: My judegement keeps all of you alive! Mathayus: I've come for the woman... and your head. Balthazar: Assassin! Mathayus: Him... we'll kill for free. Jesup: Horses are faster. Mathayus: But camels are smarter. Mathayus: And how is it you see this? I thought you lost your powers when you... [arches brow, suggestively] The Sorceress: Can you think of a better way to keep a king from taking advantage? [smiles] The Sorceress: Neither could my ancestors. Mathayus: You! You betrayed your own father? Takmet: Yes. He was very shocked. [hold up his father's head] Takmet: You could tell by the look on his face. Arpid: [Arpid is tied over a fire] If you free me, I will bless you in five different languages. Torturer: I'm going to make you scream in five different languages. [first lines] [the barbarian chieftain is holding up a skull] Barbarian Chieftain: We have killed Babylonians! [the barbarians cheer, he holds up another] Barbarian Chieftain: We have killed Mesopotamians! [the barbarians cheer] Barbarian Chieftain: But we have never had the pleasure of killing... an Akkadian. Jesup: [Tied up] May the gods have pity on you, for my brother will not. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Mathayas storms in and kills the Barbarians] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Mathayus: I may be a king, but I'm a wrestler first. [piledrives guard] [Mathayus and Arpid are buried up to their necks in sand. Around them, the guard drops burning scraps of cloth into the ant mounds] Arpid: Fascinating, isn't it? The smoke, it causes the fire ants to abandon their homes, you see? [the fire ants swarm out of the mounds, towards them] Arpid: All the sooner to feast on our naked heads. [laughs] Mathayus: You think this is funny? Arpid: It's a little bit funny, yes. You see, I am about to escape, while you on the other hand are about to die a horrible death, for leaving me to die last night! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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