
  • Elisabeth: I'll never tell. I'll never tell. Any of you. [Elisabeth puts her and up her shirt as Nathan watches her] Elisabeth: Wanna touch? Nathan Conrad: No. Jessie Conrad: What's your name? Max: [ignores her] Jessie Conrad: Your hair's really long! My hair used to be that long, but my mom made me cut it. Jessie Conrad: [points to her neck] What's that thing on your neck? Max: [stares at Jessie and looks back down] Jessie Conrad: It's kinda impolite not to answer someone's question. Max: It's a symbol. Jessie Conrad: What's it mean? Max: Don't talk! Aggie Conrad: You brush your teeth? Jessie Conrad: Yep! Aggie Conrad: Let me smell? Jessie Conrad: [opens mouth] Aggie Conrad: Mmmmm delicious. Jessie Conrad: [Telephone rings] Hello? Nathan Conrad: [Wants to play a trick on Jessie] Hello? Jessie Conrad: Hi Daddy. Nathan Conrad: Exsuse me, who am I talking to? Jessie Conrad: This is me. Nathan Conrad: No, no my Jessie is 8 years old. The girl who I'm talking to is at least Jessie Conrad: [Laughs] Nathan Conrad: [Laughs] Can you speak to your mother please! Jessie Conrad: You had a bad day! Nathan Conrad: Why do you say that? Jessie Conrad: [copies Nathan] Frown faceeeeee! Nathan Conrad: [copies Jessie] Well my little frown face, is because it's after ten o'clock and your still awake. Jessie Conrad: Where were 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • you tonight? Nathan Conrad: I was working! Jessie Conrad: Why? Nathan Conrad: Well, because I was helping a young girl. Jessie Conrad: Oh well alright that's going to cost ya! Nathan Conrad: Alright what's it going to be? Jessie Conrad: One hug, two kisses! Nathan Conrad: Two kisses? Boy, you got us a tough deal! Jessie Conrad: Will they put Bart Simpson in the parade tomorrow? Nathan Conrad: They will but Bart Simpson in the parade tomorrow if you go to sleep right now. Jessie Conrad: Well alright, I don't think they will care if I go to sleep or not! Patrick Koster: Daddy's smart little girl, aren't you? Jessie Conrad: [stays silent] Patrick Koster: Better hope your mother didn't hear that! [trying to get Dr. Sax to tell her what the deal is] Detective Cassidy: Why don't you quit wasting my fucking time and tell me whose we? Nathan Conrad: This looks like the Conrad house, it smells like the Conrad house. It even is severely overheated by the Conrad house Nathan Conrad: Rule number three: no more phone. Patrick Koster: She heard. Dolen: How do you know? Patrick Koster: She stopped breathing. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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