
  • Arthur Banks: Why do you want to know so much about me? Bennie Harper: How come you answer every question with a question? Arthur Banks: Because I don't want to answer you. Arthur Banks: From now on we are on our honeymoon. Bennie Harper: So, I have to act as your... Arthur Banks: ...wife! Bennie Harper: [laughs] and you think people are actually gonna believe I married you? Arthur Banks: I told you - I don't know how to dance Bennie Harper: Come on. It's fun! Arthur Banks: Oh shit! Bennie Harper: I never had much of a honeymoon, Banks. Arthur Banks: Me neither Bennie Harper: You sure aren't what I expected Bennie Harper: You sure are a tough guy. Arthur Banks: What are you talking about? Bennie Harper: You talk like a tough guy, you walk like a tough guy, you even order drinks like a tough guy... Arthur Banks: I'm not a tough guy - I'm just careful! Bennie Harper: Careful of what? Arthur Banks: Of pretty women... Arthur Banks: [to Bennie] Meet my in the bar, here, in a half an hour. Bennie Harper: Banks, can I ask you a question? Arthur Banks: Yeah... Bennie Harper: Is there anything you like about me? Arthur Banks: No, not really. Bennie Harper: And you wouldn't have told me if there was, right? Arthur Banks: No, especially since you asked. Don't be detained. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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