
除魔战士 (2000) 5.2


2000-08-27(美国)| 动作 奇幻 灾难| 美国
上映时间:2000-08-27(美国) 类型: 动作 奇幻 灾难
获奖信息:美国摄影工会奖(2001年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

  莎拉(Yancy Butler)的父亲、最好的朋友和搭档都死于冷血杀手汤米之手,莎拉因而决心不计一切代价令凶手付出代价;在命运使然下,莎拉得到圣女贞德的手套,这只神奇的万能手套除了能够挡子弹、变成锋利的武器、甚至还能变成项练佩戴。      在风...更多>


Sara Pezzini: Every day above ground is a special day. Joe Siri: Sara Pezzini does not make an easy partner. Jake McCartey:


Yeah, yeah. I know. She thinks she's 10 feet tall and bulletproof.


Sara Pezzini: Things are a lot more connected than they appear. Sara Pezzini: What is this thing? What is the Witchblade? Kenneth Irons: A mystery, wrapped in a riddle, and cloaked in a conundrum. Sara Pezzini: That doesn't help very much. Ian Nottingham: Bloodlust is a powerful thing. The desire for revenge. The desire for control. Can you control that desire? Or is it better unleashed? Are you having a hard time controlling the Witchblade, Sara? Your little toy doesn't seem to work against me. Is it because you really don't want it to? Sara Pezzini: And that's the story of how I came to have this strange thing on my hand called the Witchblade. I still don't know exactly what the Witchblade is, or how to use it. Every day I gain a bit more control, but this control requires will and vigilance. I think of Danny a lot. He was right. Everything and everyone is more connected than we realize. So there is no pat ending, no neat finale, no single final image. Ian Nottingham: Death has been waiting for me, like a glove with no hand in it.


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