"Static Shock" (2000)

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  • 动画  动作  冒险
"Static Shock"


  • Static: I put a shock to your system! Richie: Wait! What are you doing? Virgil: I'm logging on to the class website. Richie: You can't do that. Virgil: Why not? Richie: The site crashed. Believe me there's nothing there to see. Virgil: Richie. Let go of the chair. Richie: D'oh! You see it's like this. You're with friends, you talk and next thing you know... Virgil: [shouts] Richie! You told them about A.J.? Richie: No, not really. Virgil: Informed sources indicate that A.J. McLean is here in Dakota. [shouts] Virgil: Richie! Richie: Those are unconfirmed rumors. That's all Virgil: They posted the address of the recording studio! Richie: Okay it's not my fault. Frieda and Daisy, they forced me to talk. It was double chili cheeseburger with grilled onions. Virgil: What's all this for? Sharon: It's for mom's memorial. You are going to make the speech aren't you? Virgil: No! I don't want to do it. Sharon: Virgil! You have to do it. Virgil: It's like I don't exist. Nobody asked me if I wanted to do it. Robert Hawkins: Virgil? Virgil: Dad. Robert Hawkins: I'm sorry son. I thought you had come to terms with your mother. Virgil: Pops please don't make me do it. Robert Hawkins: Son! You know that I would never force you to do anything that you don't want to do. But if not for me then do it for your mother. Virgil: Here you go Adam. Hey I didn't know there was a recording studio here? Adam: Yeah it's a trade secret now if you don't mind. Virgil: Hey Slow down. I want to have a look A.J.: Yo Adam. You got them tunes yet? Virgil: Hey! You're A.J. McLean! You're a Backstreet Boy? A.J.: Right on both counts. Let me guess? You have all our CDs. Virgil: Well, No. [A.J. fakes a heartattack] Virgil: But the girls at school. They're crazy about you. A.J.: That's cool. Virgil: One question: why are you with him? A.J.: We're thinking about using some of Adam's music on our new CD. A.J.: [Female voice calls AJ over the loudspeaker] Later. Virgil: No way! Adam, this could be it for you man. Adam: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Yeah I know. That's why we have to keep this on the down low. Nobody knows that A.J. is in town and I want it to stay that way. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Virgil: No problem. Don't sweat it. My lips are sealed. [Over the telephone] Virgil: Richie you will not believe who I just saw. [Static regains consciousness in the Batcave as Alfred is picking splinters out of his arm] Static: *Ow* What happened?... *Ow* Where am I?... Who are you? Alfred: Batman. Static: I don't think so. Alfred: Just once, I'd like to get someone to believe that. Static: Gear, you okay, bro? Gear: No! My one chance to tag team with Superman and I miss it because I bust my ankle! [Superman looks at Gear's ankle with his x-ray vision] Superman: Nothing's broken. Looks like just a bad sprain. You'll probably have to keep off it for a few days. Gear: Wow, I just had my ankle x-rayed by Superman! I'm never gonna wash it again! [Static fights an army of giant mechanical clowns] Static: This clown posse really IS insane! Sharon: Come on Virgil we're running late. Virgil Albert Hawkins get out here now. Virgil: Sharon. My name is never to be spoken aloud. You know that. Static Shock: Hey Chief! Seen any good TV lately? Batman: How are you Virgil? Virgil: Wait? How did you know my name? Batman: You probably shouldn't carry around your ID in your in your pocket. Adam: This is not the way to go about it Static. Static Shock: I've got to find Puff! She's the reason why Daisy got hurt. Rubberband Man: She got hurt because you were busy showing off and you know it. Talon: It's too bad it has to be this way Robin. You and I are birds of a feather. Robin: [hogties Talon] I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've heard that joke. Adam: I've waited for a long time but this deal proves that if you stick to your dreams they'll come true. Richie: Our friend is going to be a star. Think about it V. Superstretch limos, craft service munchies. Virgil: Richie, he's in a really tough business. One minute you're the hottest thing around the next you're in the close-out bin. Daisy, Frieda: Hi guys. Virgil: Who's that on your shirt? Daisy: Adam of course. Frieda: He's so cool. Virgil: Then again there's nothing wrong with being a one-hit-wonder. [rapping] Virgil: My name is Virgil and I'm here to say nobody sings and raps my way. Richie: I'm his pal Richie and I must agree. Together we make great harmony. [beatboxing] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Friends of yours? Frieda: Nope. Never seen them. Virgil: Hey Daisy. You're getting counseling too. Daisy: Everyone who was involved is getting counseling. Virgil: What about him? Daisy: He's getting community service and so are his buddies. Lil' Romeo: [Lil' Romeo has been captured by Leech, who thought he was Static] Back off! Mess with me, you have to mess with my posse. Leech: Do you really think I'm afraid of some street gang? Lil' Romeo: Street gang? Dawg, I'm talkin' about my lawyers. Freida Goren: Look, it's Static and Gear. Daisy Watkins: And, as usual, Virgil and Richie are nowhere in sight. [pause] Daisy Watkins: You don't think... Freida Goren: No, it couldn't be. Richie Foley: [as they're trying to stop a damaged plane, falling out of the sky] I'm gonna try to land on Woodward Avenue. Static: There are cars down there. Richie Foley: I know. This thing got a horn? Static: [to Hotstreak] I'd get a refund on those Anger management classes if I were you. Static: I don't believe we've been introduced. Omnifarious: Omnifarious. Static: You're nefarious? Omnifarious: Omnifarious! It's my name! It means many forms. Static: Dude, I go to public school. Latin's an elective. Virgil: [to Gear] Oh, shoot, I forgot about Daisy. We were going to have a study date. Daisy: [sitting at a resturaunt table by herself] Ugh. What made me think he'd ever change? Virgil: Yo, bro! What's that? Plans for a particle accelerator? Richie: [sighs] Yeah. Virgil: [blinks] I was kidding! Mrs. Barnett: Let's get out of here... Oh. What's happening to my beautiful body? Toyman: I may be a fool for love, my dear but I'm no dope. Oh, it's just a new element that I added to your body just in case you tried to betray me again. Mrs. Barnett: What have you done? Toyman: Right now the nactinides are liquifying your new body and [singsong] Toyman: I have the antidote. [Toyman throws the antidote into a nearby vat of acid] Kevin: Well, well, well. If it isn't little Jimmy Osgood. Jimmy Osgood: [pointing his father's gun] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Yeah, and I've got a way to protect myself. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Kevin: [classmates gasping] Come on, Jimmy put the gun down. That's not funny. Jimmy Osgood: You know what else isn't funny? Breaking my computer isn't funny. Shoving me into the gym lockers and humilliating me in front of everyone isn't funny. Kevin: You're right. I'm sorry Jimmy. Jimmy Osgood: No, you're not. [Static Shock suddenly bursts into the school gym shortly before the gun goes off hitting Richie in the leg] Richie: Ow! Ow! It's not like on TV. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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