"Jack of All Trades" (2000)

  • 美国 新西兰
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  • 冒险  动作  喜剧
  • 剧       情
    American spy/adventurer Jack Stiles is sent by Thomas Jefferson to the tiny South Pacific island of Polau Polau to work with British spy Emi...


  • Jack Stiles: It's a beautiful day, and the scent of violence is in the air. Mrs. Emilia Smythe Rothschild: Ten of your American dollars says God is a woman. Jack Stiles: Which explains why nothing we do ever pleases Her. Mrs. Emilia Smythe Rothschild: And also explains why we're no longer covered in fur and hunting our neighbors for sport. Jack Stiles: Next you'll tell me God's British. Mrs. Emilia Smythe Rothschild: I'm trying to break you in slowly, Jack. Jack Stiles: [after crashing through a stone wall] I would have knocked, but my fists had other plans. Jack Stiles: Well, yank my doodle! Thomas Jefferson: Jack, if you don't keep your hands off my niece, I'll have George Washington cut off your cherry tree. Jack Stiles: [thinking] Good thing I don't have a cherry tree! Jack Stiles: Why am I doing all the work while you sit there drinking tea? Mrs. Emilia Smythe Rothschild: Because tea time happens to be a time honored British tradition. When it's burger time I'll pedal. Dr. Benjamin Franklin: In the name of Democracy, I demand that you let me go! Blackbeard the Pirate: Shut up, Piggy! Dr. Benjamin Franklin: How about giving me a six-course meal and a washmaiden instead? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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