格斗之王:征服篇 (1998)

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  • 动作


  • [Confronted with gangsters] Kung Lao: What would you do? Raiden: I'd beat the hell out of them. But I'm a god, I do that kind of thing. Taja: So how was your friend's wedding? Siro: Best funeral I ever went to. Siro: The baron could use some new kitchen help Taja: I'd rather die. Siro: And you will if you can't cook. Siro: Sub-Zero? Kung Lao: Gone. The two you chased? Siro: Two less Lin Kuei to worry about. Raiden: [appears out of thin air] There'll be plenty more where they came from. Taja: Yeah, and I'd like to see them all dead. [after meeting the stunningly-beautiful Omegis in the forest] Siro: This is the old hag in the forest? Kung Lao: Yeah. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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