Sharpe's Battle (2006)

  • 英国
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  • 动作  冒险  历史
Sharpe's Battle
  • 片       名Sharpe's Battle
  • 上映时间1995年04月19日(英国)
  • 导       演 汤姆·克雷格


  • Loup: No more of my men will die in this god forsaken place. Richard Sharpe: They will if I find them. Wellington: Give the puppets Richard Sharpe. [Perkins is badly wounded] Perkins: [sobs] Sorry, Sarge! Patrick Harper: You're gonna be all right, lad. Perkins: Dan! Dan! Give me a tune, Dan! Hagman: [sings] O'er the hills, and o'er the main, to Flanders, Portugal and Spain, King George commands and we obey... Perkins: [sobs] Mother! Patrick Harper: She's with ya, lad! Mothers never leave you! Perkins: [sobbing] I'm sorry, Sarge... [he dies] Patrick Harper: Oh, my God... Oh, my God... Nobody touches O'Rourke! That bastard's mine! Cooper: [after a group of French cavalry escapes due to one spotting Cooper's hiding place] Hundreds of bloody bushes and he had to piss in mine! Major Mungo Munro: Perfect! We've sent a regicide to train a palace guard! Patrick Harper: O'Rourke! I'll find you, O'Rourke! [a group of the renegade Irish appear, and Harper blasts them with his volley gun. Only O'Rourke is left standing] O'Rourke: Sergeant Harper... you know I've no quarrel with a fellow Irishman. [He raises his musket and pulls the trigger. It clicks empty] Patrick Harper: A good soldier always looks after his weapon, Private O'Rourke. [O'Rourke yells and charges with his bayonet. Harper disarms him and spins him around] Patrick Harper: O'Rourke, this one's for Perkins... [stabs him] Patrick Harper: This one's for Ireland... [stabs him again] Patrick Harper: And this one's for me! [stabs him one last time. O'Rourke falls, dead] [while Loup is holding Lucy as a hostage, he tries to rape her. She smashes a bottle over his head, pushing him away. He brushes glass out of his hair and laughs] Loup: What are you going to do with that, my lady? Kill me? [She holds the bottle to her own neck] Lady Kiely: You will not defile me, sir. On my child's life, you will not. [Loup pauses, uncertain. He takes a step toward her, and she nicks herself, drawing blood] Lady Kiely: I will do it, as God sees me. [pause] Loup: [sighs] My men will show you to your quarters. Loup: You have two of my men? Richard Sharpe: Not for long. Loup: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Might I remind you, Major, of the rules of war? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Richard Sharpe: Raping women? Killing babies and young children? What you did here isn't war! Loup: I police these mountains, Major, to protect our supply lines from guerillas. The chief weapon of the guerilla, Major, is horror. Horror! So, I make sure that I am more horrible than my enemy. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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