Garou densetsu (1994)

  • 日本
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  • 动作  动画  奇幻


  • Laocorn: Worthless fool! How can you ever help to beat me? By the next time I'm done with you, there'll be nothing but stinking meat! Laocorn: I know that you killed Father, you stupid bastard! Man: What if I did? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Terry Bogard: Power Geyser! Lacorn: Oh, no... what in God's name have I done? Sulia... Lacorn: How dare you... SULIA! Joe Higashi: [during the four-on-one fight against Laucorn, Joe whips up a tornado that barely misses Gaudemis] Hey, don't get carried away, asshole! Joe Higashi's gonna give you a fight you won't ever forget! Andy Bogard: [after Andy sees Hauer is trying to kill Mai] All right, you bastard, this time... [Andy jumps into the air to attack Hauer] Andy Bogard: ... YOU'RE DEEEAAAD! Hauer: See what you've done? You made my dancing lovely stop... Barbarians [Hauer sips his drink and jumps, dropping his glass which is destroyed by a gust of wind that follows his movements] Billy Kane: [Billy sees how fast Hauer moves and tries to follow his movements, while being surprised by the wind that destroys Hauer's drink] Son of a bitch! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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