Guyver: Dark Hero (1995)

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  • 动作  科幻
Guyver: Dark Hero
  • 片       名Guyver: Dark He...
  • 上映时间1994年04月20日(日本)
  • 导       演 Steve Wang


  • Guyver: Corey, I lied. The Zoanoids weren't the failed experiment. The Guyvers were. The aliens created the Guyvers to fight their wars for them. The humans rebeled. Out of control. The Guyver is nothing more than a weapon. I have no destiny. Corey: You made your own. Guyver: The aliens created the Guyvers to fix their mistakes! Crane: You're the mistake. I'm the final product! Sean Barker: You go get help. I'll handle the bear. Corey: Right. [Sean runs towards the "bear" attack while Corey runs for help. Corey suddenly stops] Corey: He'll handle the bear? Oh, shit! Crane: You know, that's only going to piss him off. Sean Barker: So, um, why'd you come back? Corey: Because I'm a scientist. I know what it's like to need to know. Sean Barker: It makes me kill. Sean Barker: I'm just sorry I didn't get here sooner. Corey: Thank God you didn't! You could have been killed! What you think you were going to do? Atkins: I was wondering that myself... Crane: It's calling you, isn't it? Sean Barker: What do you mean? Crane: Calls me too. We are both same children. [pause] Crane: Sean, I know who you are. I know you're in pain. I'm like you. Sean Barker: I don't know what you're talking about! Crane: We are the bastards... of uncaring parents! We've been violated. Our lives have been changed against our will... Sean, I know what's been like for you... for me! You've lost friends and lovers, haven't you? Sean Barker: I... Crane: So have I! We're forced to live secret lives. Trust me. [Crane changes himself to a horrible Zoanoid] Sean Barker: Shit... Crane: I know! Look at me! I'm hideous! Do you think I wanna be this way? A freak? That's why we are here! To take back our lives! Somewhere in this ship, is the key to changing us back! Let's find it together! we can take the Guyver out of you! We can make normal again! Isn't that what you want? Sean Barker: I don't know... you are killers! Crane: And so are you! Sean Barker: It's the one who kills, not me! Crane: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Then let's help you! We can make it stop! What you say... friends? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Sean Barker: [confused] ... No! Crane: Pity... [Sean is hit with a club and falls on the floor] Guyver: You don't know what your doing Crane. That unit's damaged. You have no idea what it will do to you. Sean Barker: Claws? I'm not the one with the claws. Guyver: [catches gun in air and throws it to Atkins] "protect her!" [points at Cori] Atkins: [catches gun that the guyver threw and looks scared at the Zoanoid in front of him] "but who the hell's gonna protect me?" 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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