艾拉 (1993)

  • 日本
  • |
  • 动作  恐怖  动画
  • 片       名艾拉
  • 导       演 纲野哲朗
  • 又       名艾拉 Iria: Zeiram the Animatio...
  • 编       剧 雨宫庆太
  • 剧       情
    Iria is a newly-certified monster hunter who saves the life of a scientist working on the "Zeiram Project." Zeiram has been terroriz...


  • Bob: Like brother, like sister. How'd that happen? Fujikuro: Women should wear make-up not men's hair braids! Gren: Bob, the hijacker is that immortal hat-headed bastard and he's just as weird as the rumors said he was. [shoots Zeiram with no effect] Gren: And as nerve-dead too. Gren: [repeated line] They brought a real monster on to this ship. [being chased by sentries] Fujikuro: SHIT! I can't take any more of this! [Kei falls on Iria and feels her breast] Kei: Soft. Iria: You don't say. Iria: Take me to Teddan Teppadi. Fujikuro: No! I'm not your goddamn chauffeur! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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