Sharpe's Rifles (1993)

  • 英国
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  • 动作  冒险  历史
Sharpe's Rifles
  • 片       名Sharpe's Rifles
  • 上映时间1993年05月05日(英国)
  • 导       演 汤姆·克雷格


  • Teresa: We have two ears, but only one mouth; so a good leader will listen twice as much as he shouts. Richard Sharpe: Gimme a pick-lock, Cooper. Cooper: Pick-lock, sir? Catch me with a pick-lock! Patrick Harper: They did, Coop. But when you got out of Newgate prison, you got another set, and that's the one the officer wants. Cooper: Do I get it back, sir? Richard Sharpe: Trust me. Cooper: It's very hard to trust a man who wants to borrow your pick-lock, sir. Teresa: If you were French, I would take a knife and you would tell me all I wanted to know. Richard Sharpe: But we are allies. Teresa: Allies? Do allies keep secrets from each other? Richard Sharpe: Lovers keep secrets from each other, yet they still make love. Patrick Harper: Now there's a woman worth fighting dirty for, sir. Patrick Harper: Sweet is the silent mouth, Cooper. Cooper: Didn't say a word, did I? Patrick Harper: There are two kinds of officers, sir: killin' officers and murderin' officers. Killin' officers are poor old buggers that get you killed by mistake. Murderin' officers are mad, bad, old buggers that get you killed on purpose - for a country, for a religion, maybe even for a flag. You see that Major Hogan, sir? That's what I call a murderin' officer. [Sharpe is asking his men about their pasts] Sharpe: Well? Harris: Harris. From Wheatley in Oxfordshire. Sharpe: And previously? Harris: A courtier to my lord Bacchus and an unremitting debtor. Sharpe: You're a rake and a wastrel, Harris. Is there anything you *can* do? Harris: I can read, sir. Cooper: Can I ask you a question, sir? Where'd you learn to fight so dirty, sir? Richard Sharpe: Same place as you, Cooper. Saturday night in the gutters. Cooper: Long way from home, sir. Richard Sharpe: Never was much of a home, Cooper. Cooper: No, sir. That it weren't. Richard Sharpe: Did you volunteer for this lot, Cooper? Cooper: Uh no, not exactly sir. I was invited to join... by a magistrate. [Inspecting the "Chosen Men", the company sharpshooters] Richard Sharpe: Chosen Men, are you? Well, I didn't choose you. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Patrick Harper: We don't want to go south, sir. Richard Sharpe: And what the hell do I care what you and the lads want, eh? You think the British Army's a bloody dem... [searches] Richard Sharpe: Dem... Harris: Democracy, sir. Comes from the Greek word "demos" and means "rule by-" Richard Sharpe: Shut up, Harris! Man in Black: You say you are an Irishman. Why should you be loyal to the British dogs, who want to take you to Lisbon to shoot you? Patrick Harper: Jesus, you took the words right out of my mouth. Man in Black: I can help you. Give me the box? Patrick Harper: And if I do? Man in Black: You will be rich. Patrick Harper: And if I don't? Man in Black: You will be dead. Patrick Harper: Hmm... well, you're having the best of the argument so far. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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