
  • Predator: Shit Happens. [Harrigan has stabbed Predator in stomach with Predator's disk blade, then shouts] Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: That's right asshole, Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: [while pulling the disk blade out] shit happens! Danny Archuleta: A pro would have split the moment the action started. More than one we would have seen them. Whoever did this waited until the last second, took out six guys armed with machine guns by hand, then got by us. Maybe we should give him a job. Put him on the payroll. Gold Tooth: King Willie says, not only do I have to kill you, but I have to take your soul. Voodoo magic. Fucking voodoo magic, man! [laughs] Gold Tooth: But you know what? I tell you what I believe: shit happens! Peter Keyes: He's on safari. The lions, the tigers, the bears... oh, my! King Willie: You can't see the eyes of the demon, until him come callin'. [Harrigan runs through an old woman's apartment, chasing the Predator] Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: It's all right! I'm a cop! Ruth: I don't think he gives a shit! King Willie: They say you want to talk to me. They say you offering me favors. Tell me why, Babylon, Mr. Policeman. Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: [to Jerry] This is what I call the speech, kid. It's the only one I got and I only give it once, so pay attention. 'Til now, it's all been fun and games. "Cops and robbers," Dunkin Donuts. But you're in the shit now. Metro Command is a war zone. Peter Keyes: How many times do I have to tell you? You don't know what you're dealing with. [clicks on computer] Peter Keyes: There's your killer. Wonderful isn't it? Pheromone signatures left by his body. These are scent molecules. [to worker] Peter Keyes: Punch up for me. Ten years ago one of his kind stalked and eliminated an elite special forces crew in central America. There were two survivors. They indicated that when trapped, the creature activated a self-destruct device that destroyed enough rainforest to cover 300 city blocks. Remarkable weaponry. That's right lieutenant. Other-world life-forms. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Peter Keyes 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : That's right, Lieutenant. Other-world life forms. Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: Huh? Peter Keyes: [sighs] A fucking alien. Tony Pope: This is Tony Pope, live from L.A, the city of fear. Where the psycho vigilante killer continues his daily diet for murder. Bodies strung out. Bodies with the skins ripped off. The hearts torn from the cadavers. And just recently, King Willie, the drug lord. The vicious drug lord, found in an alley just around the corner with his head cut off, and his spinal column torn from the body. A fitting demise to the Prince of Powder. Jerry Lambert: Lieutenant, I've paid my dues. I had to bust my ass to get my transfer. Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: And that scares the shit out of me, kid. No one requests to come down here unless they're looking for a reputation and there's no room for showboats or anyone looking to prove himself. Now, I won't stand for it. Now don't get me wrong, we need good cops down here and they say you're good at what you do. But the team comes first. You live by that and you'll be okay, and we'll all be there for you. Remember, the door swings both ways. That's it. [Jerry gets up to leave] Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: Hey kid... welcome to the war. Captain Phil Heinemann: You let me down, Mike. You're making me look bad. I thought we had an understanding. I put my ass on the line to get you here, and all I expect is a little cooperation! Now you were told that this was a federal matter, yet you disobeyed a direct order to stay out of the building. Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: Don't let this get out, Phil, but it's a fuckin' war down here. Captain Phil Heinemann: You're a soldier, and you take orders. Now don't push it. Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: We're fighting for our lives down there, and you're downtown pushin' pencils and kissing ass! I don't roll over for anybody, especially for the feds, without a goddamn good explanation! Leona: First Danny, then King Willie, and you were right there. He's playing with you Mike. You gotta be careful. Leona: Mike... Mike, goddamn it. This ain't your personal little war, you know. I loved Danny too. Jerry Lambert: Shit, if the Colombians did all this, then why'd they leave their boss Ramon over there hanging ten and his girlfriend naked on the floor? Predator: Want some candy? Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: Look, I don't care how big this is or who's involved. This guy killed Danny and he's going to fall! Captain B. Pilgrim: Heinemann's already been up my ass so far I won't be able to sit down for a week. We're not winning this war. As much as it's going to piss you off, you're going to have to play the game in this one. Peter Keyes: Finally. Grab a seat. Enjoy the show. This is history. Jerry Lambert: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Yeah. They're setting up these weird radar sensors all over downtown. I mean, I used my whole repertoire just to keep up with 'em. I had scanners on them, but they scrambled my shit up. They had equipment I can't even begin to touch, and then this morning... I lost 'em. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Subway Gang Leader: You look like a sympathetic dude. My partner here needs an operation, but we're a little short on cash if you know what I mean. Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: Captain, Danny and I came up together. Fifteen years on the fucking street! Whoever killed him's gonna pay. I'm gonna finish it. Tony Pope: Watch as we continue our report. Yes, the word is out; L.A is up for grabs. The spoils of our once fine city is going to the ruthless scum who can spread the most carnage and blood in our streets. Our latest update on the scoreboard; Five assorted trash and one good cop. One of the best on our force. Who's next you say? Where's the mayor? He's not even in the city! Captain B. Pilgrim: What about ten commendations for valor? And the best felony arrest record in the history of this department? Jerry Lambert: Okay everybody, just take a deep breath. Loosen your sphincters. We don't need any rush hour Rambos there. Gold Tooth: This is not about money, this is about power. There's a new king in the streets. This is a message he has for your people: "you are history!" Fucking history. Goddamn puto. Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: Listen shithead, I don't give a fuck who you really are or what you want with this asshole, because now it's personal, and he's a dead man! El Scorpio: Come and get it! El Scorpio is ready! Jerry Lambert: And you told me, lieutenant, "the only way you survive down here is because you're a team." "The door swings both ways," remember? King Willie: There's no stoppin' what can't be stopped, no killin' what can't be killed. [last lines] Garber: Harrigan! What the fuck happened in there? Huh?... Goddamn it, we came so close! Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: Don't worry, asshole. You'll get another chance. [Mike removes the Predator's mask] Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: [whispering] You are one big ugly motherfu... Predator: [grabs Mike by the throat] Motherfucker! [Throws Mike] Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: [drops the Predator Disc] All right, who's next? Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: [talking to himself] I can do it. I can do it. Just like falling off a log. [his Desert Eagle handgun falls from the holster] Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: Like a thirty-story log. Damn. Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: Shit! Why can't this guy stay on the ground? [first lines] Reporter: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • As drought-ridden Los Angeles swelters in agonizing heat, drug lords wage bloody warfare in the streets. Yet another open conflict... Oh, fuck this, get me out of here! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: You're rippin' my dick off and shovin' it up my asshole! Leona: So, what happened to El Scorpio? Lieutenant Mike Harrigan: Oh, he's out front having lunch. Irene Edwards: He was boned like a fish. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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