
  • Gonzo: Lord Vile, I've broken Juggers in half, smashed their bones, left the ground behind me wet with brains. There's nothing I wouldn't do to win. But I never hurt anyone for any reason other than sticking a dog's skull on a stake. Sallow: Play hard, you'll forget the fear. Sallow: This is stupid. We should be fucking and drinking by now. Sallow: Walk... Slowly. [Kidda gets tripped by Ghandi when practicing her running skills] Sallow: Can't pass an old man? Kidda: I didn't see him. Sallow: You gotta know where everybody is, all of us! Kidda: What if I can't? Sallow: They'll crush your skull! Kidda: Sallow? Sallow: What? Kidda: Tell us about the league. Sallow: What about it? Kidda: Are they really so good? Sallow: Yeah. Kidda: Really? Sallow: Better than you can imagine. Kidda: How do you know if you're good enough? Sallow: You know. Kidda: What if you're wrong? Sallow: You find out. Young Gar: A hundred fucking stones! Dog Boy: No! Nobody carries the dog boy. Gandhi: They dress you in special clothing... in silk. Kidda: Silk? Gandhi: A cloth so fine it's like wind on your cheek. Kidda: Sallow? Is there really such a thing as silk? Sallow: [pauses reflectively] Yes. Mara: I don't like brutality. I like heroics. I like the blood of heroes. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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