异形附身 (1987)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  恐怖  科幻
  • 片       名异形附身
  • 上映时间1987年10月20日
  • 导       演 杰克·肖德
  • 又       名异形附身 The Hidden
  • 编       剧 吉米·寇福
  • 剧       情
    An alien is on the run in America. To get his kicks, it kills anything that gets in its way, and uses the body as a new hiding place. This a...


  • Tom Beck: Doesn't anyone say please any more? Lloyd Gallagher: Please. Tom Beck: How can I refuse? Lloyd Gallagher: You can't. [Lloyd takes Beck for a ride in his Porsche] Tom Beck: Bureau must be paying pretty good these days. Lloyd Gallagher: Pretty good. Tom Beck: Mind me asking how much one of these costs? Lloyd Gallagher: No. Tom Beck: How much? Lloyd Gallagher: I don't know. Tom Beck: You don't know? What did you do, steal it? Lloyd Gallagher: Yeah. Tom Beck: Why would he come in here and kill a guy for a lousy hundred bucks and a radio? Lloyd Gallagher: Because he likes it. He sees something he wants, he steals it. If something gets in his way, he kills it. And right now, he's hiding out in your city. Tom Beck: You know what bothers me about these two guys DeVries and Miller? Lloyd Gallagher: Neither has a criminal record. They both lead normal lives until a few days ago, and now they're killing people. Tom Beck: Do you read minds or was that just a shot in the dark? Lloyd Gallagher: No, I read minds. Tom Beck: Oh yeah? What was I just thinking? Lloyd Gallagher: That I'm full of shit. Tom Beck: Impressive. Lloyd Gallagher: Not really. Quite simple to read. Tom Beck: What the hell is that? Sanchez: A flame-thrower man, can you believe it? Patrol picked this up off some homeboy on the street. Barbara Beck: Where did you grow up? [Lloyd points upwards] Barbara Beck: What is that? North? Tom Beck: I want to ask you if I'm crazy, or does this seem just a little bizarre? Lloyd Gallagher: Yeah, it's a little bizarre. Tom Beck: I knew that. I just wanted to know if you knew that. Tom Beck: I'll cover you. Lloyd Gallagher: I'd be safer if you didn't. Tom Beck: Fine, I won't cover you. Lloyd Gallagher: Alright, cover me. Tom Beck: Do you want me to fucking cover you or not? Lloyd Gallagher: I need you to cover me. Tom Beck: Fine. I'll cover you. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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