Firewalker (1987)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  冒险  喜剧


  • Max: I never realized what a spunky devil you are. [Watching I Love Lucy] Tall Eagle: I don't know why he puts up with her. If she were mine, I'd cut off her nose. Patricia: What scares you, Max? Max: Suits, alarm clocks, apartment buildings. Max: We need a new plan. Max: Watch he'll say something like "So gentlemen, we meet again". The General: So gentlemen, we meet again. Max: I told ya. Patricia: FRUITCAKE? FRUITCAKE? Listen Bucko, I happen to be a highly educated, intelligent girl with an I.Q. that would put you pea-brain in the cellar. So remember, If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here. Call me for dinner. Leo Porter: [Max and Leo are tied down in the desert] Max. I just want you to know... that I blame *you* for this. Leo Porter: [Max and Leo are escaping the desert after Max breaks a bottle of water to cut his bindings] The only bottle of water for two hundred miles and you had to break it. Patricia: The bartender says I'm okay. Patricia: [Max, Leo, and Patricia are dressing in holy attire on a train] If you're trying to make a pass at me, Max... I hardly think we're dressed for the occasion. Patricia: Thank you, Tall Eagle. Good night, Coyote. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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