
幽灵赛车手 (1986) 5.9

The Wraith

1986-11-21(美国)| 动作 恐怖 惊悚| 美国
上映时间:1986-11-21(美国) 类型: 动作 恐怖 惊悚 科幻 爱情
评分: 力荐



Sheriff Loomis: Forget it Murphy. Roadblocks can't stop somethin' that can't be stopped. [after drinking a bottle of brake fluid] Skank: Aaagh! I'm tweakin', dude! Packard Walsh: Skank, do me a favour will ya? Get rid of that zombie-piss you're drinkin' before it turns you into a mushroom! [Sheriff Loomis approaches] Skank: Do you smell a cop? Gutterboy: I smell french fries, but that don't make sense! Keri Johnson: You really think I'd go to California with you? I'd rather go to Nogales, have the Gutterboy's cretin children and die than be with you! Packard Walsh: You better shut up now, Keri, or I just might have to... Keri Johnson: Yeah, Packard, you can kill me too. Because you can never make me love you! Sheriff Loomis: You listen to me, you son-of-a-bitch! There's a kid out there using his car to kill people. Not that it's a problem for me since it seems to be you and your gang he's got it in for. I just thought I'd let you know that if you guys take the law into your own hands, and that killer turns up dead, I'm gonna see you all sniffin' cyanide in the Arizona gas chamber. Keri Johnson: Try to be brave against Packard and he might kill you. Jake: Or he might let you go. There's gonna come a time when you have to make a stand. Only then will you free yourself from him. No sooner. Rughead: Okay! The first one to Dragonfire Crossing wins! You lose the race, you lose your car! Ready! Set! GO! Skank: Lot of duckbutter out at the lake today, hey Pack? Skank: We'll remind the cockstacker. Packard Walsh: Hold your water Oggie. This is business. Sheriff Loomis: Bad feelings don't add up to resurrections, buddy. Gutterboy: He's a what? Rughead: A wraith! An evil spirit. And it ain't cool, man. Gutterboy: Skank? Skank: Yeah? Gutterboy: Who was that guy? Skank: I dunno, but whoever he was, he was wierd and pissed off!


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