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  • : By the Power of Grayskull! Adora: For the Honor of Grayskull! [Adora becomes She-Ra] She-Ra: I am She-Ra! Cringer: This looks like double trouble! [Adam becomes He-Man] He-Man: I have the power! Cringer: Are you done yet, Adam? Adam: A work of art like my famous spiced bread takes time, Cringer. Cringer: I'd rather spend my time eating than cooking. Madame Razz: Oh deary my! Madame Razz: Razzle dazzle, dizzle drear; horrid vines disappear! Broom: You were supposed to say horrid MONSTER, not horrid vines. [Swift-Wind is hit by an energy ray] Swift-Wind: She-Ra, I hurt! He-Man: [seeing She-Ra's hands glowing on Swift-Wind's wing as she weeps beside him] She-Ra! Your hands! She-Ra: Can it be? For the honor of Grayskull, let your wounds be healed! He-Man: You're the one I came to find? Adora: Is that so? [He-Man is stunned from behind] Adora: You're mine now stranger. You... and this curious sword. Hordak: You may have defeated us, but you will never see this child again. Hahahahahahahaha! [first lines] Hordak: You may have defeated us, but you'll never see this child again! Ah-Hahahahahahahaha! Hordak: Skeletor, you traitor! [last lines] He-Man: Farewell She-Ra, Princess of Power! She-Ra: Farewell He-Man, dear brother! Skeletor: A female He-Man! Aw-Haw! This is the worst day of my life! Hordak: Greetings Princess! Adora: HORDAK! Scorpia: I've got you now muscle-man! Catra: I say we teach those rebels a lesson. Scorpia: She'd never let us do it! Leech: She thinks she's so great just because she's Hordak's favorite. Why if I'd... Adora: What was that Leech? The Sorceress: That man is your brother Adora. [a dramatic gasp comes from Adora] The Sorceress: For the honor of Grayskull Adora! Adora: No! My brother! [raises sword] Adora: For the honor of Grayskull! Cringer: How about a little chow? Innkeeper: Your animal, he... uh... he speaks? Adam: Well, doesn't everybody? He-Man: [He-Man has a finger on Adoras holster as she was going to pull out her gun] You don't need this. Adam: Cringer, you stay here, you're too noiseable. Cringer: That's ok Adam! Bow: [Adam has introduced himself to Bow] Mine is Bow. Good to meet you Adam. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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