九宵云外 (1981)

  • 英国
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  • 犯罪  动作  惊悚
  • 片       名九宵云外
  • 上映时间1981年05月22日
  • 导       演 彼得·海姆斯
  • 又       名九宵云外 天外天 Outland
  • 编       剧 彼得·海姆斯
  • 剧       情


  • Marshal William T. O'Neil: Are you Dr. Lazarus? Lazarus: Yes. Take two aspirin and call me in the morning. That's a doctor joke. Marshal William T. O'Neil: I'd like a report of all the incidents in the last six months. I'd like it soon, or I might just kick your nasty ass all over this room. That's a marshal joke. Lazarus: Such a smart piece of equipment, and a wreck like me trying to run it. Lazarus: You know, you haven't your medical all-star here. Company doctors are like ship's doctors. Most are just one shuttle flight ahead of a malpractice suit. Security Officer Slater: Some cupcake named "Cane" decided that he didn't need an environment suit. They're still sponging him off the elevator walls. Rudd: You're supposed to protect us. You're the police. It's your job. Where are your men? Marshal William T. O'Neil: My men? My men are shit. Marshal William T. O'Neil: How deep are you in? Security Sergeant Montone: Not too deep... I'm paid to look the other way. Marshal William T. O'Neil: In other words you don't do anything bad, you just don't do anything good, do you? Security Sergeant Montone: Nelson, we're talking about nuclear detonators here. You don't just "lose" them and then "find" them again. You lose your *comb* and then find it, but not nuclear detonators. I want to know *when* and *where* they were found. You get my drift? Lazarus: Your wife is one stupid lady. You wanna go and get drunk? Marshal William T. O'Neil: Yes... Lazarus: At least you have SOME sense left. Station Manager Sheppard: If you're looking for money, you're smarter than you look. If you're not, you're a lot dumber. Marshal William T. O'Neil: Then I'm probably a lot dumber. Marshal William T. O'Neil: Hey, Sheppard. Guess what I just found in a meat locker. Station Manager Sheppard: Y'know, I have a feeling that you'll tell me even if I don't guess. Marshal William T. O'Neil: 250 pounds of hamburger named Yario that works for you. I also found your shipment of PDE. So, I threw the hamburger in the jail, and the PDE in the toilet. Or was it the other way around? I can't remember now. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Station Manager Sheppard 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Did you really destroy the ENTIRE shipment? Marshal William T. O'Neil: Yes. Station Manager Sheppard: You DO have a flair for the dramatic. Dr. Marian Lazarus: 28 in the last six months. Marshal William T. O'Neil: I wonder how many in the six months before that... Dr. Marian Lazarus: I've got initiative. Marshal William T. O'Neil: Well. Good for you. Dr. Marian Lazarus: Wanna know how many in the six months before that? Two. Marshal William T. O'Neil: Are you sure? Dr. Marian Lazarus: I'm *unpleasant*, I'm not stupid. Of course I'm sure. I can count. Dr. Marian Lazarus: Almost everybody here doesn't have both oars in the water as far as I'm concerned. Why people "suddenly" start to lose their marbles in greater numbers is not so mystifying. I don't know why more of them didn't do it sooner. Lazarus: That's pretty good. Playing by yourself and losing. I'd join you in this dumb game if I could play sitting down. Yes, I'm well, thank you. Been pretty busy. Seems there's some kind of 'flu' going around. You have no idea the number of workers who are going to be sick this Sunday. Marshal William T. O'Neil: What about you? Are you going to be sick this Sunday? Lazarus: If you're looking for sterling character you're in the wrong place. Marshal William T. O'Neil: They sent me here to this pile of shit because they think I belong here. I've got to find out if they're right. There's a whole machine that works because everybody does what they're supposed to. I found out I was supposed to be something I didn't like. That's what's in the program. That's my rotten little part in the rotten machine. Well, I don't like it. So I'm going to find out if they're right. Station Manager Sheppard: Let me tell you what you're dealing with here. I run a franchise. The company hired me to dig as much ore out of this hellhole as possible. My hookers are clean, some of them are good looking. My booze isn't watered. The workers are happy. When the workers are happy, they dig more ore. They get paid more bonus money. When they dig more ore, the company's happy. When the company's happy, I'm happy. Marshal William T. O'Neil: Sounds wonderful. Station Manager Sheppard: Nothing here is wonderful. It works... that's enough. Lazarus: Polydichloric euthymol! Those stupid bastards are taking polydichloric euthymol! [son complaining about braces] Marshal William T. O'Neil: You want crooked teeth? [after firing a warning shot to a feisty guy] Marshal William T. O'Neil: Think it over. Marshal William T. O'Neil: Oh, fuck it! [punches Sheppard] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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