Circle of Iron (1979)

  • 美国
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  • 冒险  奇幻  动作
Circle of Iron
  • 片       名Circle of Iron
  • 上映时间1978年12月14日(挪威)
  • 导       演 Richard Mo...


  • Cord: How long have you been blind? Blind Man: How long have you been blind? Cord: I'm not blind. Blind Man: Am I? Cord: Do you answer every question with a question? Blind Man: Do you question every answer? Cord: Aww, talking to you is like talking to a wall. Blind Man: Buddha once sat before a wall, and when he arose he was enlightened. Cord: Do you compare yourself with Buddha? Blind Man: (chuckles) No. Only to the wall. The Blind Man: It's hard to kill a horse with a flute. Chang-sha: Have you eaten? Where's your drink? Your hand is empty. Cord: Peace. Chang-sha: [laughs] Don't wish it on me. The whole world is in commotion and you wish me peace! I don't know what peace is, I don't want it. Don't you listen to the desert? Even when there's no wind the sand sings. Cord: My name is Cord. Chang-sha: Ha! You see? Cord! [laughs] Chang-sha: Play a Cord, strike a Cord? Even your name is a noise! What do you want, Cord? You want us to play on you? My wives can make your skin sing. Blind Man: Cord... each moment that passes changes you. You do not... cannot possess even yourself. How can you hope to possess anyone or anything else? Blind Man: A fish saved my life once. Cord: How? Blind Man: I ate him. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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