佐罗的印记 (1940)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  冒险  西部
  • 片       名佐罗的印记
  • 上映时间1941年09月21日
  • 导       演 鲁本·马莫利安
  • 剧       情
    Around 1820 the son of a California nobleman comes home from Spain to find his native land under a villainous dictatorship. On the one hand ...
  • 获       奖


  • Don Luis B. Quintero: My dear Esteban is forever thrusting at this and at that. He used to be a fencing instructor in Barcelona. Don Diego Vega: How exhausting. Captain Esteban Pasquale: I didn't find it so. Don Luis B. Quintero: Then why did you give it up? Don Diego Vega: I had the misfortune to kill a man of influence. Captain Esteban Pasquale: A lady was involved, I believe. Don Diego Vega: The gentleman's wife, no doubt? Captain Esteban Pasquale: Just how did you mean that, Señor? Don Diego Vega: I had hoped to be amusing... Have I failed? Captain Esteban Pasquale: Somewhat. With me. Don Diego Vega: [speaking to his father] I went directly from the ship to our old home. I met Senor Quintero and his charming wife. I found them very pleasant and agreeable. Fray Felipe: Pleasant scorpions! Agreeable rattlesnakes! [last lines] Inez Quintero: Oh, Diego, when may we expect you and our dear little Lolita in Madrid? Don Diego Vega: Not for some time I'm afraid. We're going to follow the customs of California. Inez Quintero: What do you mean? Don Diego Vega: Well, we're going to marry and raise fat children and watch our vineyards grow. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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