The Son of Monte Cristo (1940)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  冒险
The Son of Monte Cristo
  • 片       名The Son of Mont...
  • 上映时间1940年12月05日(美国)
  • 导       演 Rowland V....
  • 又       名The Son of Monte Cristo
  • 编       剧 George Bru...


  • Count of Monte Cristo: I'm worn out climbing in and out of windows and up and down chimneys. It'll be such a relief to go through an ordinary door again. Opening crawl: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Menaced by more powerful nations, the country of Lichtenburg - tiny but proud - is known as the Jewel of the Balkans. Steeped in the ancient tradition of romance and chivalry, her people hold unswerving loyalty to the throne - on which now sits the young Grand Duchess Zona, who rules under the sinister shadow of one man - General Gurko Lanen. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [first lines] Colonel Zimmerman: Turnkey! Bring out the prisoner William Gluck. Turnkey: Yes, Colonel. [opens cell] Turnkey: Come out! William Gluck: I thought you were in a hurry to get me in. Colonel Zimmerman: If you value your life, give us the names of your accomplices! William Gluck: I don't value it that highly. Gen. Gurko Lanen: Gluck, that was your second mistake. Men like you never realize I can rule you collectively because I can master you individually. Innkeeper: After great effort, I, Hercules Schneider, have found you the only carriage in Pecs. Of course, the horses may not be the best in the world... Countess Mathilde: Can they walk? Innkeeper: Oh, yes, Madam! Countess Mathilde: That's all that's necessary. Point them to Paris and start them moving. Innkeeper: Tonight, madam? Countess Mathilde: Certainly, tonight! Innkeeper: But it's dark! Countess Mathilde: You don't say. It usually is at night. [In the catacombs, General Lanen finds the Resistance hideout deserted. A table has been set with several well-dressed skeletons sitting in chairs around it. A message has been written in chalk on the table top] Message: Baron von Meinhoff and I regret not being able to receive you in person, but you should feel perfectly at home in such company - The Torch. Gen. Gurko Lanen: The Torch! Whoever he is, this 'Torch' is dangerous. He has a sense of humor. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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