
  • [Shorty is followed into the cabin by a heavily laden Native American woman] Jack Thornton: What's that? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • f59 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Shorty Hoolihan: That's our new cook. Jack Thornton: Where'd you get it? Shorty Hoolihan: I won it in a crap game. Jack Thornton: You know, it's customary up here, Mrs. Blake, for everyone to pitch in and do their share. You've been with us for two days and up to now done nothing but sit around and look nasty. Can you cook? Claire Blake: Yes, I'm considered a very excellent cook. Jack Thornton: How about giving these beans the benefit of your talent. Claire Blake: I'll do nothing to help you! I'm your prisoner, and since you seem to want me with you, you'll take care of me. Jack Thornton: Want you? We just had an attack of insanity and decided to keep you from committing suicide. A very bad idea, come to think of it. Shorty Hoolihan: Gee, I wonder what it's going to be like having things instead of wishing for 'em. Claire Blake: It's not nearly as much fun. Jack Thornton: You're wrong, Claire. Wishing never got anybody anyplace. It's owning something that counts and taking it when you can't get it any other way... that's all right too. It's the law up here... the law of the Klondike. If there is something you need, grab it! Take it away from the other guy. It's a good law. It works. Claire Blake: No, it only works when you deserve to have what you take. Otherwise, it's stealing. Perhaps that particular commandment isn't respected up here. Jack Thornton: They all get broken. That one gets splintered. Jack Thornton: Me? I'll take bourbon. It kills you slower, but a lot more pleasant like. Shorty Hoolihan: Oh well... You know I know a coupla people who used to fool around like that and they got children now. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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