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Trappola diabolica

Trappola diabolica (1988) 4.9

1988-08-17(意大利)| 冒险 动作| 意大利
上映时间:1988-08-17(意大利) 类型: 冒险 动作
评分: 力荐

Michael Ransom's Vietnam squad leader, Vic Jenkins, is captured by terrorists demanding ten million dollars worth of diamonds in return for ...更多>


Kramet: I hate women! Rosanna Boom: Yeah, I have a lot of gay friends too. Kramet: I hate queers! Huan To: Virginity! Another test you have to undergo, that combines the two concepts that interest me the most... pleasure and pain! Pain, and pleasure. Michael Ransom: I've come to kill you. Vic Jenkins: You can't kill me. You owe me your life.

Trappola diabolica

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