电影网>影片资料馆>即将上映影片>InHumanoids: The Movie

Action-packed cartoon about the age-old fight between good and evil. Mysterious events start to happen when the government Earth Corps unear...更多>


Grana-Q: Stallwat was constructed by flesh slugs, uh humans, who fell under the cruel vice of D'Compose. Herc Armstrong: Keep your eyes opened. D'Compose can jump out at us from anywhere. [Sandra throws a skull shaped rock at Herc] Herc Armstrong: HEAD'S UP! Sandra Shore: [as the Granites and Herc go on the defensive] Herc please stop! You're hurting me. Herc Armstrong: She recognizes me. Sandra listen to me we have to expose you to sunlight. That's the only way we're going to get you back to normal. Grana-Q: [as he sees a bunch of skeletons, that were once human but are now decrepit and decaying shells of their former selves, charging towards them] They were once knights now they are minions of darkness. Granites we fight to the end! Herc Armstrong: But how do you kill something that's already dead? Metlar: Now flesh slug! Tell me where you keep your primal energy source?

InHumanoids: The Movie

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