街头战士 (2008)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作
  • 片       名街头战士
  • 上映时间2008年06月18日
  • 导       演 大卫·杰克逊
  • 又       名街头战士 Street Warrior
  • 编       剧 Alex Green...
  • 剧       情
    一名前特种兵军官潜入了国内最危险的地下搏击俱乐部寻找仇人为他的兄弟报仇,他的兄弟为还赌债被迫参与搏击比赛,以致现在处于昏迷状态。Jack Campbell 忠于他的国家,但是他的军旅生涯以羞耻告终。在科索沃和阿富汗行动中因表现出色而授予嘉奖和铜星勋章之后,在伊...


  • advertisement Baldus: You wanna run with the big dogs! Baldus: Who's the man! Mr. Pope: Let's see some blood! Baldus: Hate me! Watkins: Jack Campbell. Jack Campbell: Chief Watkins. Watkins: Back in town a half an hour and already giving me a headache [pause] Watkins: I got my eye on you, Jack. Maggie Kuerner: The gauntlet? Jesus, two guys died there last year. Georgie Bautista: The gauntlet, it starts tonight. They said if you ever want to see your Sarah safe again, if you ever want to find the men who did this to your brother... Jack Campbell: What did they say? Georgie Bautista: You gotta fight. Jack Campbell: Then that's what they'll get. Jack Campbell: I know you don't I? Zeke: [laughs] You see that. That's what I'm talking about. That's why I have the odds. He knows me. I'm famous. McDonough: He probably watched ESPN Classic. Jack Campbell: So you're all here to beat each other to death? Santo: Death? Well, not if we can help it. We're all in the same boat man. Jack Campbell: What boat's that? Santo: [a bloodied Jax slowly rises] Damn it, farm boy, stay down! [Santo reluctantly kicks Jax in the face and knocks him unconscious] Santo: You're not thinking of trying to leave the gauntlet, are you? That's dangerous talk, man. Jack Campbell: I want answers. Santo: And what are you gonna do, Campbell? We told you, asking questions can only lead to more trouble. Jack Campbell: I'm okay with trouble. Pope doesn't own me, Santo. He doesn't own you, McDonough, or any of us. It's time someone told him that. Him and his muscle, Isaiah. Omar: You know, I hate that dude Campbell, but you know what? He is a tough ass bastard, man. Baldus: [laughs] Santo. I'm gonna send you back to the home center so you can start looking for some day labor work, bro. Santo: Where did you learn that language, huh? Being someone's butt bitch up in prison. Isaiah Griffin: [anticipating the Santo vs Baldus fight] This should be good. Santo: [Baldus charges Santo and smashes headfirst into a stone pillar] That looked like it hurt. [laughs] Baldus: [Baldus rises and comes after Santo] C'mon you prissy little midget. Santo: Why don't you call your mama. Here's a nickel, bitch. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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