
生存游戏 (2006) 6.0

Stay Alive

2006-09-14(希腊)| 恐怖 惊悚| 美国
上映时间:2006-09-14(希腊) 类型: 恐怖 惊悚
评分: 力荐

一群年轻人陷入恐怖网络游戏之中,然而当他们玩的角色死了时,现实中的玩家竟也难逃一死。 一个资深游戏测试玩家偶然得到一套地下发行的神秘电脑游戏。不久,他被发现莫名惨死在紧锁的房中。一群好友前来参加葬礼,无意找到这套以15世纪欧洲一位臭名昭着的贵族杀人狂:“血腥贵妇”为题材的死亡生存...更多>


Swink Sylvania: Bitch, that's cheating! I'm not even dead yet! October Bantum: Somebody ran my brother down in a horse-drawn carriage. I'm gonna find whoever did it, and hurt them. October Bantum: You know Phin? The problem with your mouth is that stupid, insensitive shit comes out of it. [last lines] October Bantum: Go fuck yourself! Phineus Bantum: Wassup Mama? October Bantum: If you had any less sense, you'd be half a penny. Phineus Bantum: I beta-tested for a while. It sucked. It's kinda like eating a beav - it's awesome at first, then it's just goddamn monotonous. Phineus Bantum: [describing Abigail] Girl has got body karate going on. October Bantum: Shut up. Phineus Bantum: Who talks like that to their brother like that anyway? October Bantum: Somebody with an idiot for a brother. Phineus Bantum: Oh my God, you're a terrible person. [simultaneously reading] Swink Sylvania, October Bantum, Phineus Bantum, Hutch O'Neill, Abigail, Miller Banks: Come to me, clouds. May you rise as an evil storm born to rip them open. Let the cover of night bear witness and destroy those who resist so they shall harm me not. Let the blood of many cleanse me, preserving beauty eternal, I pray you. Swink Sylvania: But I just figured out how to strip one of those zombie concubines naked. Phineus Bantum: *That* is what I'm talking about. How do you do it? Swink Sylvania: Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A. Phineus Bantum: [enters code] Boobs. Swink Sylvania: [after Phin slaps his arm] Don't touch me, "A-hole". Phineus Bantum: "A-hole", dude? Swink Sylvania: Profanity is for the feeble-minded. Phineus Bantum: Well, I'm "effing" sorry I offended you... fuck-ass. Miller Banks: You know what they say- you play the game too long, you start seeing shit and having seizures. Phineus Bantum: Can we skip the cinematic foreplay? I wanna fuck. Abigail: I hate telling people the truth and watching 'em get embarassed for that! Phineus Bantum: I felt it in my pants. Swink Sylvania: Go on and get out of here. I've got these punk-ass bitch motherfuckers handled.


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