
  • Samantha: [Walks up to the table] Heard you been saying stuff behind my back, fire-crotch. Heather: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 7f 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Now, Samantha, all I said was your breath smells like you've been drinking out of Ms. Mackinaw's douche bag, that's all. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • bc3 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [Samantha leans in threateningly] Heather: I don't wanna kiss you, Samantha, so please, don't ask. Samantha: No, you listen very closely, fire-crotch: We have a certain way of doing things aroung her and you better figure out what that way is or there are going to be serious consequences. Ms. Traverse: [Ms. Mackinaw brings Heather into the office] What is this? Ms. Mackinaw: Miss Fasulo attacked Miss Wise in the dining hall. [Her head twitches] Ms. Traverse: Is that so? Heather: I didn't... [she twitches intentionally] Heather: ... attack anyone. I was just trying to defend myself. [Ms. Mackinaw looks embarrassed and upset that Heather made fun of her twitch] Heather: I'm sorry. I didn't meant to... [Ms. Mackinaw twitches again and leaves angrily] Ms. Traverse: [Slaps Heather] Now listen: We have a certain way of doing things aroung her and you better figure out what that way is or there are going to be serious consequences. Samantha: [Heather kicks bathroom stall door to try and get out, Samantha has her pinned inside] Say it. Samantha: [Heather kicks stall door again] Say it. Samantha: "I'm a fire-crotch." Heather: What? Samantha: "I am a fire-crotch." Heather: How many football players put it in you before your mom got sick of having another tramp around the house? Girl #1: [Samantha pulls open the stall door angrily, then proceeds to punch Heather in the stomach] Nice one. Samantha: [Heather is keeled over in pain] If you know what's good for you, you'll run away and never, ever come back. Samantha: Got it, fire-crotch? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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