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The Prophecy: Forsaken

The Prophecy: Forsaken (2005) 5.9

2005-09-06(美国)| 恐怖 惊悚| 美国
上映时间:2005-09-06(美国) 类型: 恐怖 惊悚
评分: 力荐

Picking up where Prophecy: Uprising left off, Allison (Kari Wuhrer) has been assigned to protect an ancient text bible when a group of reneg...更多>


John Reigart: [holds up Twinkie packet] I have a weakness for these things. Allison: Maybe it's the angel-food cake. <


b>John Reigart: [pause] God forbid. John Reigart: [first line of the movie] The last chapter of the Bible is called Revelations. It promises the end of life as we know it. If that's the case, you might want to ask yourself: Is that really such a good thing? Allison: I need you to help me. John Reigart: Are you sure? Allison: You helped me the last time. John Reigart: I protected you from one of my own for my own reasons. That's all. Allison: I thought... John Reigart: [interrupts] A word of advice. Don't ever assume you know my motives. Ever. Allison: It's a nightmare. A crazy dream. Any minute you're going to wake up, Allison. You're going to wake up and this whole thing is gonna be over. John Reigart: Careful, Allison. People might think you're crazy. John Reigart: [looking out at park] I love this park. Perverts and lunatics everywhere. I'm like a kid in a candy store. Allison: Something tells me you're not out here trawling for new recruits. John Reigart: Who knows? Maybe I'm trawling for you. John Reigart: You look remarkably stylish for a marked woman. John Reigart: How are we sleeping these nights? Allison: Sleep's not real big on my to-do list right now. John Reigart: Demagogues, martyrs, schizophrenics... they all tend to run toward insomnia. Allison: Whatever you're looking for, you won't find it if I'm dead. Dylan: I work for a boss who prefers to extract secrets from corpses. They tend not to lie so much. Stark: You've memorized her morning routine, Dylan: She wakes at 6:45, puts on the coffee at 6:50 and showers at 6:53. She soaps herself from the toes up- which is a little strange, actually, because, when you think about it, most people lather from the neck down. Stark: A man who relishes his work. John Reigart: Politics of Angels you see are not so very different from those of men. Both have rules to follow, codes of conduct, laws. Both for example have constraints regarding murder.And ways to get around those constraints. Allison: Hired assassins. John Reigart: But it would seem that the preferred option is no longer in play. You have in parlance of the CIA turned their chief asset. Your new friend: Dylan. Maria: Don't give it to them, even if they tear you apart. Allison: So by protecting the Lexicon I'm doing the Devil's work... aren't I? John Reigart:


Sometimes the interests of Heaven and Hell are not so very different, Allison. Get used to it.


The Prophecy: Forsaken

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