
当他还是个小孩子的时候,凯尔·威尔士(查尼·克雷饰)就总是向大家诉说:他晚上从睡梦中突然醒来,看见了正要准备杀死他的牙仙!从那以后,小镇上的人们就认为这孩子疯了,只有青梅竹马的凯特琳(爱玛·克菲尔德饰)和她的弟弟麦克相信他。   许多年过去了,魔鬼再次回来,凯尔不得不回...更多>


advertisement Michael: She won't come in the light. Kyle: Who? Michael: YOU KNOW WHO. Officer Matt Henry: This thing's gonna kill us isn't it? Kyle: Probably. Officer Matt Henry: All this over a fuckin' tooth. Caitlin: Black cat. Why not? Dr. Travis: Are you crazy? Kyle: Yeah, a little bit. Young Caitlin: Remember, when the tooth fairy comes, don't peek. Caitlin: I can't believe you came. Kyle: That makes two of us. Officer Matt Henry: You're Crazy, Walsh. Kyle: Crazy isn't what it used to be. Officer Matt Henry: Batten, see what that was. Officer Andy Batten: No, you go see. Officer Matt Henry: I out rank you. Officer Andy Batten: Lead by example and see what it was. Kyle: I see you... bitch Officer Andy Batten: Is she gonna get me? Kyle: Yes. Caitlin: It's okay, Michael. It's okay. Michael: Caitlin, come one. It's safe. Caitlin: Get out from under the bed. Come on, this is ridiculous. Michael: No, you get under here. Caitlin: Come on, Michael. Get out from under the bed. There's nothing to worry about. Michael: Caitlin, No! Caitlin: Okay, let's stay under the bed. Nurse: What is wrong with you people! What's he doing here? I'm calling the police. Kyle: Police are dead. Caitlin: All of them? Kyle: Pretty much. Kyle: When this hospital goes dark. We're all dead. Kyle: We stay in the light, we stay alive.


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