最后的恐怖电影 (2004)

  • 英国
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  • 恐怖  惊悚
  • 片       名最后的恐怖电影
  • 上映时间2004年09月17日(韩国)
  • 导       演 朱利安·理查德


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  • b>Max Parry: I'm trying to make an intelligent film about murder, whilst actually doing the murders. Max Parry: Now, why don't I care about that? I mean, I know you care about that; that's why you think I'm a bad person, but the thing is, I don't care about it. I didn't ask not to care about it, but I don't. And if I don't care, how can I think it's wrong? And if I don't think it's wrong, why shouldn't I do it? The Assistant: I can't do it. I thought I could, but I can't. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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