战火实录 (1999)

  • 南非 英国
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  • 战争  冒险  惊悚


  • Baz: [when introducing themselves to the camera before they set off] Baz, ex-para like Dinger only better looking, Dinger: [in the background] Bollocks! Baz: comment, i will give up smoking next year. [pauses] Baz: This year, shit! Dinger: [when talking to the camera before leaving for the mission] Dinger. Ex-Para, Chain smoker. Comment? My God, my country, my Harley Davidson. Not neccesarily in that order. Andy McNab: [Narrating] Andy: We fought the raggi's for the best part of the day. We binned our bergens. Couldn't move quick enough with them. We heard contacts far on in the distance. But they weren't shooting at us. Dinger: Did you know that Saddam Hussein is an anagram of 'He's a sad nudist?' Andy McNab: Where did the 'M' go? Dinger: I swapped it for a 'T'. Andy McNab: You can't do that. Dinger: Well I just did. Andy McNab: That's not right. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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